
Whether plans are mandated by corporate policy or regulatory agencies, effective response plans can reduce impacts of an emergency on employees, 环境与资产. 皇家88娱乐为每个皇家88娱乐和业务制定应对计划. These plans incorporate site-specific actions and consistent best-practice procedures that significantly improve quality, accessibility 以及应对计划方案的准确性.


While site-specific information is important in emergency action plans, a standardized approach ensures regulatory requirements are addressed and company best practices and policies are communicated. We work with you to develop company-wide, 24/7 accessible emergency action plans using our SMARTPLAN™ application, 皇家88账户注册提高了可访问性, consistency and plan maintenance — ensuring better compliance and more effective plans.


飓风每年都能造成大规模破坏, and it is critical to have an effective plan in place to protect employees and assets — and maximize 业务连续性 efforts. Our hurricane plans provide editable preparedness checklists for each phase of an impending storm, 以及特定职位的检查清单. Our SMARTPLAN™ application integrates with your emergency response and 业务连续性 plans, 提高用人单位有效应对能力.


The Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to develop a written emergency action plan when more than ten employees are physically on location. We help develop these emergency action plans that identifies site-specific actions to reduce exposure and improve safety from fires, security issues, 恶劣天气和其他潜在的破坏性情景.


School emergency plans must be continually updated to reflect a variety of threats, 比如自然灾害, 恐怖袭击, 校园暴力事件和突发公共卫生事件, 包括大流行事件. We help universities and K-12 campuses plan for these situations to minimize risk and exposure, 同时最大限度地保证学生和人员的安全. Our plans, based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) guidelines, utilize our SMARTPLAN™ school emergency management software with integrated database technology to streamline emergency planning and optimize plan maintenance.

石油泄漏+ SPCC计划

The challenge of managing and ensuring compliance of Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans for multiple facilities can be complex. Oil spill response planning and preparedness are necessary to satisfy regulatory requirements, 保护环境, 并确保最好的应对措施. 皇家88娱乐的综合策划服务与皇家88娱乐SMARTPLAN™技术满足OPA 90和其他石油和天然气法规, refining, manufacturing, pipeline, utilities, 化工及其他工业. 皇家88娱乐已经为1000多个设施制定了应对计划.

Fire Pre-Plans

Fires cause billions of dollars in property damage and unnecessary deaths and injuries every year. 五个预先计划,利用皇家88娱乐SMARTPLAN™ technology, address site-specific information necessary to effectively respond to fires and reduce exposure. These plans provide detailed response data and key information for buildings, 工艺设备和储罐. Our pre-fire response plans can be easily shared with mutual-aid companies and additional responders, 允许统一和有凝聚力的反应.


Disasters and other catastrophic incidents can significantly stress or exceed an organization’s capability to respond. A high-functioning Incident Management team is critical to optimizing the response. Our experienced Incident Management team can help manage complex incidents onsite – at the corporate, coalition, local, 州或部落层面. Our experts can facilitate and manage incident goals, tactics, workflows and documentation. We can also manage your After Action Review to help reduce the probability of a recurrence. In addition, 皇家88娱乐与你们的领导团队合作, 提供指导和支持,以有效地形成响应.